East Norfolk Operatic Society

Newsletter - Autumn 2007

Hello and welcome to our new look newsletter! We hope to provide you with up to date information of shows, concerts and our members, past and present.
To keep us all informed of useful and interesting news items, please forward them to the Editors, Ros Wright and Clive Swetman. Details of how to contact us can be found on the Contacts page, along with the new Committee details.

The newsletter will be produced twice a year, in the Autumn and in the Spring, keeping members and Patrons fully up to date with all the latest news, pre and post shows.

If you have any suggestions for items which you would like to see in the newsletter, please let us know!

With our best wishes
Ros and Clive

This newsletter and other up to date information is available from our website at:


Auditions were held in October for our next production, which is "Patience ". Producers Andy and Julie Weston with Musical Director Stella Brownsea, had a challenging afternoon auditioning, resulting in the following cast:
Colonel Calverley
Robert Collingwood
Major Murgatroyd
Dennis Abley
Duke of Dunstable
Patrick Monk
Reginald Bunthorne
John Bill
Archibald Grosvenor
Matthew Plunkett
The Solicitor
Ian Roberson
Lady Angela
Margaret Collingwood
Lady Saphir
Marion Jackson
Lady Ella
Gennie Plunkett
Lady Jane
Janet Grant
Rachel Goodchild

Rehearsals are well underway and are proving to be the usual heady mix of fun and hard work ! With several old and new members, the male chorus is proving a force to be reckoned with.

We are delighted to welcome the following new friends:

Kath and Maurice
Beth, Jeanne, Cathy and Steve. Plus Matthew, of course, already listed above!

We hope that you enjoy being with us and that it will be the first of many shows with us!

Andy and Julie have a delightful set designed around Bunthorne's library - involving enormous books with turning pages - Robin, our talented singing set builder/set building singer, is already getting excited about the ambitious project although we haven't seen any Lego models appearing for this one!

We are also pleased to welcome Jenny Roberson as Rehearsal Pianist!

The Society has had happy and sad news since the last newsletter.
Congratulations firstly to Rachel and Andrew who celebrated their wedding in June - busy time indeed for Rachel who had just finished playing one new bride - Elsie in "Yeomen.." to be re-enacting the real thing!

Congratulations also to Teresa and John who are looking forward to the birth of their first child - hope baby's lungs are future singer's ones as well!

As well as celebrating happy events , we were also deeply shocked and saddened by the passing of two former members. Alison Tuffrey (McCully) had been one of the great principal sopranos of the Society and we were all shocked to hear of her death. She and her husband Brian had often played opposite each other and their involvement with ENOS had extended to Brian being Chairman in the late 1990s.

Recently, we have been saddened to have lost Sue Christian - Sue and her daughter Ayshea both sang with ENOS, with Sue also serving as prompt and helping in so many capacities ..front of house, make up and so on.

We remember both Alison and Sue with affection and gratitude.

Caption Competition
We plan to hold a light hearted caption competition (with the permission of the subject, of course!). An example is shown below:
caption comp
Is this Scrooge looking for The Ghost of Marley - or just a night on the tiles?

Our first competition will be in the next newsletter - be warned!!

However, any ideas for captions for this photograph will be gratefully received

Bits and Pieces
After the success of "Yeomen of the Guard", the Society spent a quiet summer enjoying barbeques, garden parties and putting on concerts. As Christmas approaches, we brace ourselves for a relentless round of socialising, including:

29th November - Singing Christmas Carols invitation of Wroxham Barns, from 6.30.

18th December - Rehearsal until 8.30, followed by Christmas Jolly.
Patrons , we would love to have you join us to celebrate the season!
Contact Janet or Marion for details .

26th January - New Year celebration for Patrons and Members. Tickets: £6.50, 7.30 start, bring your own beverage - Patrick to provide a sumptuous buffet! Again contact Janet or Marion.

Other Society News
Phoenix Opera presents "Cowardy Custard" at the Playhouse Theatre, Norwich on 30th November and 1st December, 7.30 and a 2.30 Saturday matinee. For tickets, call Norwich 436510

Horning Panto from HATS - Stumpie Rilzkin, 17-20 January. Tickets from HATS members, eg Robin Richardson, Marion Jackson or Dennis Abley.

Sheringham Savoyards present 'Festive Greetings ' at the Little Theatre in Sheringham on 30th November and 1st December 2007 - curtain up at 7.30 pm.
"Come and join us for an evening of festive music and songs (new and traditional) interspersed with seasonal readings and entertainment - a really magical start to the Magical Season".

Member Profile
Janet Grant
profile pic
10 things we bet you never knew
1. What was your first show with ENOS?

Patience - 1996

2. What was or is your favourite ENOS show and why?

My favourite show is always the one I happen to be rehearsing at the time. So at the moment Patience again! I love to see the production evolving before my eyes and feeling "This is going to be so good"

3. Your most disliked food.

Jellied eels without a doubt or Vivienne's smelly scones in Yeomen

4. Your favourite film or TV show.

It has to be a weepy like Gone with the Wind or Little Women. I love the BBC period Dramas like Cranford on at the moment.

5. The part you would most like to play on stage (not necessarily G&S but anything, anyhow, anywhere).

I too could be Maria....................but rather less than more

6. Any irritating habits, that is - your own.

Can't withhold one liners and can't hold my drink. If anyone cares to enlighten me to more I would be most interested

7. Most embarassing moment.

Viewing a house and my "hold ups " fell to my ankles whilst crossing the garden and the owner (A man) turned round just as I was trying to discreetly step out of them.

8. Favourite animal.

Pray you tell me if you can - what's the thing that's known as man?

9 . First musical memory.

Singing hymns at school and everyone stopped after the first verse and I went on alone to second and third verses of Summer Suns are Glowing

10. What did you have for breakfast (day not specified).

You do not want to know my bad habits but inevitably two cups of black coffee and a banana when I get to work
