East Norfolk Operatic Society

Newsletter - Spring 2009

Hello and welcome to our Spring 2009 newsletter. The last few months have been busy indeed, not only with the rehearsals for The Mikado but also with the preparations for our various 50th Anniversary celebrations. More details inside!

We have our usual caption competition and society news - mostly, we look forward to seeing you all in May at the show!

With our best wishes

Ros and Clive

Contact Information

Sheila Tuffield
Robin Richardson
John Bill
Janet Grant
Vivienne Plunkett
Asst. Sec
Marion Jackson
Patrons' Sec

Beryl Meaden, Caroline Lee, Larry Pendleton, Matthew Plunkett, Clive Swetman, Ros Swetman

This newsletter and other up to date information is available from our website at:


1959 Mikado

This is the publicity picture for the first production - The Mikado in 1959!
Featuring Roydon Tuffield as the Mikado himself, father in law to Sheila.
Thus began a long association of the Tuffield family and ENOS - this 2009 production sees three generations in the show, Sheila being joined by daughter Lesley and granddaughter Sally Anne.

For the second time we have mixed news to give our readers, the joys of a birth, an expected baby and the sadness of a loss of a good friend to ENOS.

On 23rd February, Rachel and Andrew celebrated the birth of daughter Poppy, weighing in at 8lbs 4 ozs. Teresa and John Clayton are also delighted to be able to announce that they are expecting the birth of their second child, brother or sister to William, in July. As you may have realised (if not in the show!) this meant the dilemna of having two of our Three Little Maids incapacitated - our disappointment in losing both Rachel and Teresa was great but we were lucky in having two excellent Lord (Lady?) High Substitutes in Joanna Webster and Janet Grant! We are delighted that Teresa has been able to carry on in the chorus, where her talents are much appreciated and we look forward to welcoming Rachel back as part of our 50th Anniversary Concert in July.

Rachel and Poppy
Proud mum Rachel with a very sleepy Poppy!
Photo by equally proud dad Andrew.


Sadly, we are asked to report the death of Liz Hillman, a stalwart member of ENOS. Liz, like husband Ron who passed away in 2001, was a huge part of the Society, as performers and backstage. Both were tremendously supportive and welcomed newcomers with that generousity of spirit that was typical of both of them. Liz had moved to Surrey to be near her family and we send our sincere condolences to them all.

Caption Competition

The Director says what?

Photograph courtesy of Mike Stevens

Answers by 1 October 2009 please

Bits and Pieces

Thanks to Robert and Margaret Collingwood for hosting the post rehearsal Christmas party on 16 December, a great time was had by all!

And another big thank you to the Collingwoods for welcoming us to Saxon Lodge for the 24 January New Year celebration party. Another lovely evening was enjoyed by members old and new - and we were able to celebrate Clive's 60th birthday which happened to fall at midnight! Lovely cake...worth being 60, he was heard to mutter...

Updates on 50th Anniversary celebrations - a Ball will be held at the Norfolk Broads Yachtclub, Wroxham on Friday, 29th May, with live music. Tickets are £30 each and this promises to be a really glitzy affair, black tie and a real Norfolk social event! With a superb picturesque venue and a cordon bleu menu, this promises to be the highlight of the year. See you there!

A show trip to London is planned for Saturday, 12th Sept, with a hired coach leaving from Notcutts Garden Centre. The proposed musical is Wicked, the story of the two witches from the Wizard of Oz when they were young friends. Tickets are £38 each and available from Sheila Tuffield (coach fare extra).

Finally, the original mug shot!! Available for £5 each from Ros or Clive, glossy black with gold trim. Very smart for classy coffee! All proceeds to the Society.


Snippets from the Minutes

Roys (Wroxham) Ltd & East Norfolk Amateur Operatic Society

At the inaugural meeting on the 18th August 1958, Fred Roy's name was mentioned with regard to asking him if he would be agreeable to having a Booking Office within the store in Hoveton for the sale of tickets for the show. One must assume that he was agreeable because minutes on the 23rd January 1959 mention it and that he had agreed to a window display promoting the show.

The booking office was set up in the store every year until 1968. After that it moved elsewhere for a couple of years and then a caravan was used and Fred Roy agreed that it could stand in a prominent position outside the store in 1971 and 1972.

In April 1974 the committee agreed to produce a large banner to be erected across the road in Hoveton and on the 8th May 1974 it was reported that arrangements had been made with "Messrs Roys" to erect the banner between their buildings.

In 1978 the banner was moved to the neighbourhood of Roys car park and this arrangement continued into and through the 1980s. Roys (Wroxham) Ltd sponsored the shows until 1994 and only stopped due to Fred Roy's untimely death on Christmas Eve 1994.

The link has been re-established this 50th Anniversary Year with Roys (Wroxham) Ltd placing an advertisement in our Mikado programme.

Other interesting snippets from the Minutes.

It was agreed on the 25th June 1962 that the rehearsal date should change from a Monday to a Tuesday. This has remained ever since.

At the 16th July 1972 AGM, approval was reached for Vice Presidents (now Patrons) to make an annual payment of £1-1s-0d.

On the 18th February 1964 the committee made a note of the news that the Society's President, Sir Edward Preston, had died. It would appear from the apologies in previous minutes, that he had been unwell for some time.

At the AGM on the 23rd August 1966 it was suggested that the name of the Society be changed to East Norfolk Operatic Society and that 'Amateur' should therefore be removed. This was again proposed on 25th July 1967.

On the 22nd November 1967 a proposal was put forward to move the shows to The Maddermarket! The annual show was moved to Hoveton County Secondary School (Broadland High School) in 1972 having been at the Hoveton Village Hall until that year. Problems were being experienced with a lack of space for changing. A caravan was parked at the hall and used as a dressing room. It would appear from various minuted discussions that there was a problem with squeaky floorboards on the school stage. It was never noted how this was resolved.

The show moved to Sprowston High School in 1993 and remained there until 2004, when it was decided, at last, to move to The Maddermarket. It only took 38 years to act on the original suggestion put forward in 1967!
Our thanks to Marion Jackson for this research

Member Profile

Anne Richardson


1. What was your first show with ENOS?
HMS Pinafore 2005

2. What was or is your favourite ENOS show and why?
They all are!
HMS Pinafore 2005 as it was my first!
Gondoliers 2006 because I liked the dancing.
Yeomen 2007 for the dramatic scenes.
Patience 2008 because Robin and I met at Wymondham College doing
      Patience in 1971. aahhh!
Mikado because I can try to be like a schoolgirl again!!

3. Your most disliked food?
Green, red and yellow peppers.

4. Your favourite film or TV show?
Lark Rise to Candleford.

5. The part you would most like to play on stage (not necessarily G&S but anything, anyhow, anywhere)?
Eponine in Les Mis.

6. Any irritating habits, that is - your own??
According to Robin it is clearing up the butter knife before he has buttered his second piece of toast.

7. Most embarassing moment?
Breaking my metatarsal bone in my foot running for the Park & Ride bus 10 weeks before Yeomen!

8. Favourite animal?
Better say dog as Toby might read this! Also manatees.

9. First musical memory?
Listening to Two Way Family Favourites on the radio at Sunday lunchtime.

10. What did you have for breakfast (day not specified)?
Weekday = Rice  Krispies (other brands of cereal are available)
Weekend = Croissants and raspberry jam (without the rollicking bun!)

News from Other Societies

Theatre 101 present 'Calamity Jane'
Theatre 101  are now rehearsing for their next production, the popular musical western  'Calamity Jane',  adapted by Ronald Hanmer and Phil Park from the stage play by Charles K Freeman, with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster and music by Sammy Fain.   Due to potential funding cuts, this may be the last opportunity to enjoy a Theatre 101 show at the delightful Norwich Puppet Theatre.
'Calamity Jane', with many great tunes including 'Deadwood Stage', 'Windy City' and  'The Black Hills of Dakota', opens on Thursday 14th May 2009 with an evening show at 7.30 pm and continues with a Friday evening show at 7.30pm on 15th May. On Saturday 16th May, there is a matinee show at 2.30pm and an evening show at 7.30pm.
Tickets are priced at £8 for adults, £6 for concessions with a family ticket (2 adults, 2 children or 1 adult, 3 children) available for £25.  Seats can be reserved by ringing the ticket hotline 01603 304747 or by contacting the Puppet Theatre on 01603 629921.  

Sheringham Savoyards
'The Sorcerer' which will be performed 10th-13th June 2009 at The Little Theatre, Sheringham. Tickets £10, £8 Saturday matinee. Box office; 01263 822347.

Horning Amateur Theatrical Society
'My Fair Lady' at Horning Village Hall
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11, 12 & 13 June at 7.30pm
Tickets by calling Dick on 01692 631351


Please will anyone who is due for an award this year give their details to Janet Barley as soon as possible, so that they can be processed in good time before the AGM.


Just an early reminder that the AGM will be held on Tuesday, 1st September at 7.30 pm at Wroxham Church Hall. Please be sure to support this; it is an important event which provides feedback on the year's show and events and also gives warning as to what to expect in the forthcoming year! We look forward to welcoming you all there.
