Newsletter - Autumn 2011

Officers of the Society 2010/11

President .......................................Sheila Tuffield
Chairman .......................................Robin Richardson
Treasurer ......................................John Bill
Secretary .......................................Margaret Collingwood
Asst. Secretary .............................Vivienne Plunkett
Patrons' Secretary ........................Marion Jackson


Janet Barley, Sue Catchpole, Derek Cousins, Sue Norgate, Gennie Plunkett, Victoria Seals, Paddy Wildman

Editor’s Note

Hello Everybody,
Sorry this edition of the ENOS newsletter is a little later than planned.
I do hope you enjoy the exciting news and interesting articles.
Thanks to everyone who contributed news, dates, articles and their time!

Victoria “Tod” Seals.


This year’s AGM was held on Tuesday 6th September.
We saw Beryl Meaden, Caroline Lee, Larry Pendleton step down from the committee, while Janet Barley, Sue Catchpole, Sue Norgate and Derek Cousins all joined.
It was also announced that due to unforeseeable circumstances, we have had to change our Musical Director for Princess Ida. Patrick Monk will still be Stage Director with an exciting collaboration of Margaret Collingwood and Eric James as Musical Directors.

Princess Ida

Auditions for the principal roles of our May production, Princess Ida, were held on 9th October 2011. The results are as follows:
King Hildebrand
Mark Horner
Hilarion, (his Son)

Cyril, (Hilarion's Friend)
Matthew Plunkett
Florian, (Hilarion's Friend)
Luke Davey
King Gama
Alan Weyman
Arac, (King Gama's Son)
Robin Richardson
Guron, (King Gama's Son)
Clive Swetman
Scynthius, (King Gama's Son)
Keith Swetman
Princess Ida, (King Gama's Daughter)
Gennie Plunkett
Lady Blanche, (Prof. of Abstract Science)
Ros Swetman
Lady Psyche, (Prof. of Humanities)
Julie Thompson
Melissa, (Lady Blanche's Daughter)
Rachel Goodchild
Sacharissa, (Girl Graduate)
Fran Robson
Chloe, (Girl Graduate)
Anne Richardson
Ada, (Girl Graduate)
Victoria Seals

We are still looking for a nice young tenor to play Hilarion, and there is still time for chorus members to join, so if either of those roles are of interest to you, please don't hesitate to let ENOS know via the contacts page of our website:

A Snapshot of FOH

A lady came up to me at the raffle table; pleased she had won a small prize, but asked 'would I change it for the bottle of wine?' I explained politely that I could not, as the prizes were allocated, unless the winner wanted to do so. Imagine my surprise at the end of the show when she hovered and waited to see who had won the wine and followed them to see if they would exchange prizes! I am glad to say that they declined. We certainly meet the many interesting characters who come to our shows but best of all we hear all their compliments and congratulations. Of course there are the occasional grumbles but these are generally few and far between.

Peter and I first came across ENOS when we came to The Broads on boating holidays in the early 80s. We used to make a point of getting to see the show, which was on during the Easter holidays, at Broadland High School. It was natural then to become members when we moved to Horstead in 1988. Early on Janet Barley asked me if I would help with a flower display for ENOS as part of a Flower Festival in Wroxham Church.

Thus began the start of my involvement FOH. I began to do the Foyer decoration, which started small but grew to quite a large undertaking especially when ENOS moved to Sprowston High School as this was such a large entrance and needed a lot of flowers to transform it for the week. Taverham Garden Centre. Staff were most helpful in loaning us the flowers on the understanding that there was no cutting of the stems and we had to leave the prices on and do our best to hide them! Many times we have seen members of the audience come along to smell the flowers and then realizing they were artificial! One year, some members will remember, I used a lot of twisted willow stems which they took home to plant and must be quite substantial trees in their gardens by now!
David Thompson was FOH Manager at Broadland and after the move to Sprowston and I learnt a lot from him about the organization and management. In those days we had to transform the school into a theatre as best we could which meant running our own bar, refreshments, raffle, box office and ticket sales, foyer decoration and publicity, as well as setting out and numbering the seating, having programme sellers, ushers and fire stewards every night and keeping the accounts for the end of the week; not to mention working with the school caretakers! It was quite hectic to be ready for opening night. All this and keep the audience happy and deal with any queries on the night. We also had St. John Ambulance on duty each night. Washing up in the kitchen after the interval was always tricky as, if we were not quiet enough it was very disturbing to the audience at the rear of the hall. Then of course there was the usual Chairman's night and last night refreshments. The Saturday night used to be quite lavish until Health and Safety rules curbed what we were allowed to do, as the audience and not just members were invited to join in. Although I had done most jobs FOH, I had not realized all that David did. With Sheila Tuffield's help and support I took over FOH in 2003. That year the production was dedicated to George Baker who had just died and Beverley lent us a model of 'The Pirate King' for our FOH table, I remember being worried in case it was stolen.

The move to the Maddermarket Theatre in 2005 was a new venture and a major change for FOH. In many ways it was a relief as I was finding it hard to get enough helpers to do all the jobs needed at the school as well as do the foyer flower arranging. I thought I would do a year and see the society settled, get to know how the liaison with Maddermarket staff would work and then let someone else take over but time slipped by and it was good to be part of the new and successful venture.

I have been blessed with many good helpers on my team who have given their time so willingly and made the job a happy one. I have enjoyed the hectic time before curtain up and during the interval, seeing a happy audience and feeling part of the whole production. I wish my successor as much pleasure as I have had over the years and a happy team to work with.

Sylvia Coward 2011

MEMBER PROFILE - Marion Jackson

Marion Jackson

1. What was your first show with ENOS?
 Pirates of Penzance in 2003.

2. What was or is your favourite ENOS show and why?
Gondoliers, because it was so vibrant and the dancing was amazing

3. Your most disliked food.
I don't really recall disliking any food that I have tried so far but I'm sure I'll find something eventually that I think is completely disgusting.

4. Your favourite film or TV show.
No one favourite but I'm totallyhooked on the TV series of Dexter.
Also the first of the Pirates of the Caribbean films just blew me away.

5. The part you would most like to play on stage (not necessarily G&S but anything, anyhow, anywhere).
For Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. I nearly had the opportunity a couple of summers ago but just missed out at audition.

6. Any irritating habits, that is - your own.
I tend to put away things that people are using and straighten anything I perceive to be crooked such as the rug in the lounge, even if people have their feet on it!

7. Most embarrassing moment.
I’m not easily embarrassed, so can’t think of any, but I expect my family could think of loads.

8. Favourite animal.
Guinea Pig

9 . First musical memory.
Really enjoying, and being good at music lessons at primary school.  Sad to say that School doesn’t hold many fond memories for me.

10. What did you have for breakfast (day not specified).
 I almost always have Luxury muesli withextra fresh fruit and/or stewed apple and natural yogurt accompanied by a pot of Camomile Tea.

Diary Dates

The Barton Turf and District Choral Society perfom The Spirit of Advent and Christmas
6.30pm on Sunday 4th December at Barton Turf Church

The Nonsuch Singers present A Concert of Christmas Music
4pm on Sunday 11th December at Neatishead New Victory Hall

Horning Amateur Theatrical Society (HATS) presents Pantomime - Tom the Piper's Son at Horning Village Hall
19th - 22nd January 2012  -  7.30pm on Thursday, Friday Saturday, 2.30pm on Sunday
Adults £6, Concessions £5 and Children under 10 £3 - tickets available from Horning Post Office or cast members such as Robin Richardson or Marion Jackson

Mozart's Requiem - Worstead Church at the service of ALL SOULS, Wednesday 2nd November 7.30pm

Upcoming ENOS Events

ENOS Bunfight 13th December from 8.30pm at Saxon Lodge

ENOS New Year's Party 14th January 2012 from 7.30pm at Saxon Lodge. Tickets will cost £7.50

ENOS Spring Newsletter available on 3rd March 2012.
Please could anybody who has any interesting stories, diary dates or any relative information please email them to
Victoria Seals at by 21st February 2012.


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