Newsletter - Spring 2012

Officers of the Society 2011/12

President .......................................Sheila Tuffield
Chairman .......................................Robin Richardson
Treasurer ......................................John Bill
Secretary .......................................Margaret Collingwood
Asst. Secretary .............................Vivienne Plunkett
Patrons' Secretary ........................Marion Jackson


Janet Barley, Sue Catchpole, Derek Cousins, Sue Norgate, Gennie Plunkett, Victoria Seals, Paddy Wildman

Editor’s Note

Hello All!
A bit of a slim-line newsletter this quarter, but it makes for a great speedy read, I can assure you!

Victoria “Tod” Seals.

Princess Ida

Marvellous news! ENOS are delighted to announce Martin Milnes will be joining us to play the part of Hilarion in our upcoming production.

Unfortunately, due to work commitments, Matthew Plunkett has had to withdraw from his role as Cyril, who will now be played by Patrick Monk. We are all very sad that Matthew couldn’t continue in his role, but very glad and grateful indeed that Patrick is willing and certainly able to play the part.

Tickets are available for Princess Ida from The Maddermarket Theatre, now via three different methods:
By visiting the Box Office at The Maddermarket Theatre, St. John’s Alley, NORWICH, NR2 1DR
By Phone: 01603 620917
Or by visiting their website and purchasing through their new online ticket system!
Please make sure to tell all your friends and family to come along too!

New Year's Party

Big thanks to the Collingwoods again for hosting both the ENOS Bunfight and the New Year’s Party. From what I’ve heard, they were both fabulous nights out for all concerned!
Here are a few photos of the brilliant School-themed New Year’s Party:

Party Pic 1 Party Pic 2 Party Pic 3 Party Pic 4 Party Pic 5

What a rowdy lot!
Detention all round!

MEMBER PROFILE - Robin Richardson

Robin Richardson

1. What was your first show with ENOS?
Pirates of Penzance in 2003.

2. What was or is your favourite ENOS show and why?
Possibly Pirates as it was my first show with ENOS. I like to sing the Pirate King Song in concerts, and I would love to play the Sergeant of Police.

3. Your most disliked food.
Bland, dull, or badly cooked!

4. Your favourite film or TV show.
“It’s Our Friends From the North”.

5. The part you would most like to play on stage (not necessarily G&S but anything, anyhow, anywhere).
Any of the male leads in Les Mis.... dream on....

6. Any irritating habits, that is - your own.
Absolutely none obviously! Just ask Anne.

7. Most embarrassing moment.
Hmm... one that can be published???

8. Favourite animal.
Current dog, Toby the Labradinger.

9 . First musical memory.
Dragged to see Gt. Yarmouth G&S Society Mikado at the Town Hall in 1961. I was 7.

10. What did you have for breakfast (day not specified).
Workday- Cereal, toast and coffee.
For a treat, Smoked Haddock and Poached Egg, coffee and EDP/ Sunday Times.

Diary Dates

Horning Amateur Theatrical Society Barn Dance on Saturday 10th March 2012. For info on tickets, see Gennie Plunkett.

Norwich G&S Society holds a Ruddigore Come and Sing event at 7:30pm on 17th March 2012 at St. Cuthbert’s Church, Wroxham Road, Sprowston, NR7 8TZ.

Sheringham Savoyards Concert at Overstrand Church on 2nd June 2012.

Norwich G&S Society Summer Sing at How Hill. Arrive at 6pm for buffet dinner and sing through on Saturday 23rd June 2012.

Sheringham Savoyards Concert at How Hill on July 14th.

The Sprowston Parish Players present A Musicals Extravaganza :Friday 27th & Saturday 28th July 2012 at 7.30 at St Cuthbert’s Church. Tickets: Adults £5.00  £2.50 Children. From: Sheila Tuffield (01603 419896) or on the door.

Upcoming ENOS Events

Princess Ida at the Maddermarket Theatre. 2nd – 5th May 2012, Wed – Thu – Fri at 7.30pm
Sat - 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Tickets available from the Maddermarket Box office, and now on the Maddermarket website,

Concert at St. Cuthbert’s Church on 30th June 2012 at 7:30pm.

ENOS Summer Newsletter available on 16th July 2012.
Please could anybody who has any interesting stories, diary dates or any relative information please email them to
Victoria Seals at by 2nd July 2012.


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